Sunday, May 18, 2008

Jon Crawled!!

Jon crawled for the first time today!! It's so fun to watch him grow up. He has two teeth now on the bottom. He is also talking now. He says words like Hi, Yay, Bath, Ball, Baba, and others that I don't want to try to remember. He sure understands everything we say too. He is a smart baby. He is 9 and a half months now and just as big as can be.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Goodbye Undergrad Accounting!

I had my last accounting final on Saturday and now I am DONE! It is sort of a bitter sweet feeling. I will miss many of my fellow accounting students along with the whole university atmosphere. However, I will never miss the 900 page weekend reading assignments, or the three hour exams on consolidations, deferred taxes, and pensions. I will also never miss the professors who, for some odd reason, believe that their class is your only class. I have to say that although college was a struggle, I am a better person because of it. I found my limits and learned to push myself to accomplish my goals. I also learned that I am nothing without my wife Elizabeth. I wouldnt have been able to do as good as I did, without her support, help, and encouragement.

Now I have the entire summer to rest before I face the real business world and apply what I have learned. A few CPA firms offered me jobs. They were of all different sizes and offered different amounts of money. However, when the time came to make my decision, I chose to work for a firm that I feel will be best for my long term career goals as well as allow me to have enough time to be a good father and husband. I will be working for McGladrey & Pullen and I start in September. It sure feels good to know that my dream job has become a reality. It would not have been possible without the great education I received from SDSU. GO AZTECS!