Friday, September 5, 2008

Cabrillo National Monument

Today we decided to do something fun in San Diego fo a change. Elizabeth and I thought that it was time to take advantage of our expensive San Diego rent by seeing the sites. Today we visited Cabrillo National Monument on Point Loma.

Jon and I are on the top of the point overlooking downtown San Diego and Coronado Island.

Here Jon is enjoying the ocean breeze. He likes the way it makes his hair look.

Jon and I infront of the haunted Point Loma Light House. Ooo! Scary!

Elizabeth and Jon infront of the Cabrillo Monument.

Now its Elizabeth's turn to take the picture.

We also went to see the tide pools but we forgot our camera. Elizabeth was being her same old adventurous self by standing on a rock waiting to get splashed by the periodic crashing wave. She was so cute to watch and I wish I could have documented it.


Natalee said...

I love point loma. I am very jealous. Way better than Abilene.

Zola said...

What fun! You are so lucky to live in vacation land USA. Good idea to take advantage of it while you can. said...

With his hair like that, he looks so muck like you, Rick! Except he is cuter. Just kidding.

Mindy said...

Hey signs family it's me mindy, How's life? Busy I'm sure. I finally put together a blog and cought up on the last 18 months. I'll be down in the socal area on 14 Nov. Maybe we can drop by. Let me know