Monday, May 18, 2009

Bye Bye CPA Exam!

On Saturday I found out that I had passed my last section of the CPA Exam. I got an 83. I was surprised considering I thought I did the worst on that one. But I'll take it happily. No more CPA Exam.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Life Is Beginning to Slow Down

Last Saturday I took my last CPA Exam. I will probably find out my score in about a month so I just have to sit around and wait.

Busy season is now coming to a close and things are starting to slow down. So I am back to the normal business hours, which means I am home by 5:30pm almost every work day. Also, since I have taken my last CPA Exam, I am able to play with my family when I get home instead of studying.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Last Few Months

The last few months have been quite eventful. These are some of the things that occured:

-Elizabeth and I found out that we are having a baby girl in June.
-Jon now can open and close doors. Sometimes he closes the door so we won't see what trouble he is getting into.
-Jon went to the cabinet and wanted at screw driver. When I got it for him he went to his toy, put the head of the screw driver into a screw and began to twist the screw driver. (I guess he saw Elizabeth take something apart a month earlier.) I think that was so awesome for a 19-month old.
-Jon got his first haircut. He looks so much older without his mullet.
-One night I was at the client's office until 5 am, came home to sleep during rush hour and was back at the client's office at 8 am. It was a blast! Just kidding.
-I also was able to pass my third CPA Exam. So I have one left to study for.
-"Pinky" is now my nickname at work. Its a long story.
-I was able to work the assebly line at one of my clients and made "portable johns" which are solid waste bags. (you know...that you go potty in.) It was really cool to experience what it would be like to work in a factory. However, I am so glad I have an education.
-I have audited a publicly traded technology company in San Diego, a gas pipe fitting manufacturer in Corona, a Furniture Manufacturer (that sell to Costco) less than a mile from the border, and a company that manufactures pee and poop bags in Escondido.