Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Life Is Beginning to Slow Down

Last Saturday I took my last CPA Exam. I will probably find out my score in about a month so I just have to sit around and wait.

Busy season is now coming to a close and things are starting to slow down. So I am back to the normal business hours, which means I am home by 5:30pm almost every work day. Also, since I have taken my last CPA Exam, I am able to play with my family when I get home instead of studying.


EMac said...

Yea!! Rick, you did a great job enduring those long hours. You are such a great dad. I bet Jon can't wait to see you every day. We love you are are so proud of you!!!

Rachelle@atticgals.blogspot.com said...

Good for you! Normal is so good!

Natalee said...

Hooray for slowing down!!! Life is so much better when you don't have to worry about studying.

Zola said...

You and Elizabeth were champs during those long weeks of 19hr days, and studying, and studying, and studying. Now is the pay off--time with the fam, and you can look forward to the arrival of little Zoey. Life is good.

Zola said...

I like you new design--very professional looking.